My purpose in life is to love.
I am only truly free when I am at peace.
I am at peace when I surrender to love.
Ergo, I love ... to be free.
And surrendering to love is my liberation.
My mission is to create and cultivate safe spaces -- physical and non-physical -- for people to explore and step into the full, authentic truth of who they really are.
To do this, I must start with myself. I must choose each day to live my truth fully and fearlessly, so I can emanate this frequency and mirror the true beauty of all beings I encounter.
May I be the change I wish to see in the world, by seeing the love and perfection that already is, all of it.
About Regina
(Okay so, this is where I shall write about who I think I really am and why I am here, but in third person because that seems to be how people write these things, and I find it kind of funny.)
How do these go? Well... Regina was born on planet earth in Japan over three decades ago (yet swears she's forever 22). Growing up as an only child in Honolulu, Hawaii, she gravitated towards playing quietly in nature, making art, jewelry or miniature anything. An overachieving nerd at heart, she studied her way to Stanford University where she gobbled up everything she could learn about Positive Psychology.
She's been working in the tech industry for a decade (mostly at that colorful place with slides and free food). For half that time, she somehow ended up having/getting to write to the leaders of teams at said place, about how to do their job, kinda... and the thing that shocked her the most was how many of them kept subscribing and opening up her emails, almost all of them in fact.
She suspects the reason was/is because she started to write from her heart, less and less from her mind... and started to write about "deeply human topics" like nurturing trust and relationships, listening, practicing non-judgment, expressing appreciation... and so on. She was basically an in-house HBR researcher-synthesizer desperately trying to be a love poet or something like that. She also produced a podcast series which she loved, but sadly it never got to meet the outside world because... sigh, timing and politics.
Was she successful? Many would say that. She was and is truly grateful for the opportunity, the support she received, and humbled by the personal and professional challenge of it all.
Was she struggling for her life, also? Absolutely. Feeling the immense pressure of the position of privilege and potential to positively influence what seems like a world superpower (have you guessed the company yet?) through those at the helm... Yup, that kept her up at night or kept her working till she fell asleep on her laptop. No final draft (let alone, *gasp!* a rough draft) ever felt good enough (as in, perfect) so she could never get work off of her mind. It literally made her sick mentally and physically-- burnout is very real and can be life-threatening, folks.
Not to mention, amidst all this her heart broke many times in love, she tried to buy three different houses, failed so she bought a ridiculous car, had several breakdowns and took time off work, was diagnosed with ADHD, severe depression, anxiety, OCD & OCPD (betcha don't know what that is!) and had a noteworthy ego-death-peek-beyond-the-veil or two. Just some small details.
THANKFULLY, Regina found her true self in the dark nights of her soul (there were many) and with that-- many facets of her mission and purpose. So liberation of the Self seemed possible-- all one needs to do is step into that truth, like a custom-tailored gown, right? And then walk out into broad daylight with it on and don't give a f*ck who thinks it's weird that you're dressed to the nines at 11am on a Tuesday at the grocery store.
It also really helps that she firmly believes that life happens FOR you, not to you, and that everything is perfect in that "divine" way we woo-woo folks like to say.
Aaand that she finally left the Bay Area and found what feels like her true home on earth, is happily DIY remodeling said home, adopted another fur-baby (they are the center of her universe), is self-medicating with prayer + dance + meditation + sunlight daily, and finally managed to poke a hole in that chrysalis of a place that is Hooli (Silicon Valley show hint/ref).
So that's kinda where she's at right now. She wants you to know that she's SUPER excited, energized and a tad nervous to put her truth out there for no other reason than to LIVE her truth. Not because she wants to give you advice (please god no) but because sharing is caring and because it's her time to pay it forward and backwards. Many, many people have helped her on her journey and still continue to do so. (Thank you, you know who you are!)
- xoxo, the person who wrote Regina's bio

P.S A classic Enneagram Type Two (The Helper), she's happiest when she feels like she can genuinely serve others. Kindly worded feedback that helps her do this is very welcome. Feel free to write to: regina (at)